Did Jesus play cricket?
Armenian Jerusalem
Trumpet 1
Jerusalem, 2007
Strands of gold entwined with copper, wrapped in the folds of a towering wall, the scent of pines carried on the breeze at twilight, the sound of bells punctuating the slumber of tree and stone. Lying in proud solitude, its mountain air as clear as wine, its name scorching like the kiss of a seraph. We are looking down on the little town of Jerusalem, city of gold, of which the poets and troubadours never tire of singing - Israel‚ Ofra Haza calls it Yerushalaym shel zahav ”‚ (Jerusalem of Gold) and Lebanon‚ Fayrouz zahratul madaen ”‚ (flower of the cities).
Celebrating Jerusalem on film
Easter in Jerusalem: renewing the faith
Ii is Good Friday in Jerusalem, and and the Old City has shaken off its lackadaisical torpor in tune with the growing excitement. Thousands of pilgrims, from all parts of the world, some for the first time ever, have congregated in the city. The intensity of religious fever is so palpable, one wonders if this is a manifestation of the eschatological longings that drives the throngs, it is as if they expect the Messiah to make his entrance. Will he, according to local legend, enter the city through the twin-arched Golden Gate (or the Gates of Mercy), which has been blocked now for centuries? It will not be a tip-toe through the tulips, more a shuffle through the mounds of graves lining the approach to the gate.
For a true, believing Christian, Easter is the most meaningful time to visit Jerusalem, the city where Jesus the Son of Man lived and taught and suffered, died and rose again in triumph. At any other time, the city lies warily somnolent amid the political turmoil gripping the Holy Land, playing gotcha with the coy phantom of peace - the luxury and the longing of every single person living in the Old City (and of people of goodwill around the world)
In 631 CE, the Caliph Omar Ibnul Khattab conquered Jerusalem. Flanked by his generals, he marched to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the placed considered the most sacred by his enemies, the Franks. He gazed in awe at the church, but when his entourage urged him to enter the building and pray there, he told them no. Rather, he said, pray where this stone drops. And he picked up a stone and threw it as far as he could, away from the church. Moslem armies were once again at the gates of Jerusalem, when Salah ud din (Saladin) overran it in 1187. In a bid to ensure fraternity and peaceful co-existence between his Moslem and Christian subjects, he established a protocol, still adhered to today, whereby the custody of the keys to the Holy Sepulchre is entrusted to Moslems.
Cricket is supposed to have originated some 300 years ago in England, but it is just possible that the game zealously followed all over the British Commonwealth, is older than currently thought.      The story, told by the distinguished kaghakatsi Armenian professor Dr Abraham Terian, was first released online by the Australian Associated Press, and has been picked up around the world, with both the reverent and irreverent, having a field day with the intriguing revelation.
The Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the traditional site of the tomb of Jesus of Nazareth, and regarded by many as the holiest relic in the whole of Christendom, has once again become the unwelcome theater of an unsightly brawl between two brotherly Christian denominations. Though not a stranger to such flagrant eruptions, the extent of the violence this time repelled every one who witnessed the drama as graphically captured videos streamed it on world TV.
News Headlines Who remembers the Armenians?" Hitler once taunted.History has made a mockery of his infamous claim, for who does not remember and mourn the destruction of a million and a half innocent Armenians a century ago? Middle Eastern food aims, quite blatantly, at titillating the palate. None of this junk or fast food nonsense. People there have all the time in the world for their cooking. A thousand years ago, a monk in a distant monastery in the western Armenian province of Reshdunik, picked up a reed pen and began etching out what would later become known as the first great Armenian mystic and liturgical poetry. The Three Guardians of the Holy Places (the Greek and Armenian Orthodox Patriarchates and the Franciscan Custodia) have pledged to begin renovating the tomb of Jesus (the Edicule) in the Holy Sepulchre church, at an estimated cost of 3m Euros. The work is expected to start within a few weeks and take up to 8 months to complete. The Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem has completed partial structural restoration at our magnificent Cathedral of St James with the intention of pursuing a fullscale restoration at some future date. In order to accomplish this immensely important undertaking, the Patriarchate has launched appeal for help and support from Armenians all over the world.
Thousands converge on city
Custodians of the keys: Moslem families
Holy Sepulcher: perpetual conflict?
Harout Kahvedjian has just published an English version of his father's autobiography, entitled "From the Red Desert to Jerusalem", detailing his life as a survivor of the Armenian genocide. Harout is arriving in Glendale, California, where a sizable Armenian community makes its home, for the book signing on December 6, 2014. Jerry Tutunjian, who has written a brief preview about the book, will be there with him. A legend in his time, the mild-mannered Armenian photographer of Jerusalem, survived a horrendous ordeal of starvation, torture and genocide, and run in with nefarious cannibals, by dint of sheer guts, determination and luck, to leave an indelible imprint on the cultural history of the Holy City. Until today, his odyssey from the killing fields of Urfa, the erstwhile mystical outpost on the ancient Silk Road, through the death marches in the desert of Syria that became drenched in Armenian blood, to eventual sanctuary in Jerusalem, had been available told only in Armenian in a book published in Yerevan, Armenia, in 1995
Timely tribute to genocide survivor